Friday 30 June 2017

Vitamin D Deficiency and Pain in the Loin Region

Deficiency of vitamin D has been linked with many musculoskeletal manifestations, loin pain being one of the most unconventional ones. It is mostly caused due to weakenedmuscles and chronic pain in the flank. It is thus imperative to analyse the problems associated with the skeletal muscles before confirming loin pain as a result of renal complications.

Pain in the Loin Region
The spectrum of diseases that present with loin (flank) pain is wide. It includes kidney and ureteric stone, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, peri-nephric abscess, cystitis, salpingitis, paoillary necrosis, ureteric obstruction by either structure, blood clot, neoplasm or retroperitoneal fibrosis. Cystic diseases of the kidney together with neoplasms are other causes of dull aching loin pains. Trauma and infarction of the kidney cause acute loin pain while vesicoureteric reflux represent one of the causes of long term loin pain that usually exaggerates during the act of micturition.

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